Super Benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama!


Benefits of Anulom Vilom pranayama! 

Yoga, an ancient science and practice from India, is a boundless ocean of wisdom. Embracing yoga can elevate human intelligence and wisdom, guiding us towards progress. With its myriad aspects, methods, and techniques, yoga offers simple yet profound ways to enhance our lives. Benefits of anulom vilom pranayama are immense. 

Pranayama is a certain practice in yoga that enables you to take control of Prana (a divine cosmic energy)! And if you are able to take control of prana then you can control your life, disease and age. 

Read more on Pranayama – What is ‘Pran’ in Pranayama?

Such a practice called ‘Anulom Vilom ‘ pranayam Or Alternate nostril breathing.  

But What is ‘Anulom’ & ‘Vilom’  

Anulom –  Anulom is a sanskrit word. One of the meanings is natural direction or in the right order, there are several other meanings in sanskrit.

Vilom –  Vilom is a sanskrit word. One of the meanings is reverse order, inverted, opposite course. 

Hence, Anulom Vilom is the direction of breathing in natural order to reverse order and vice versa. 

What are the benefits of Anulom Vilom pranayama ? Why should you do Anulom Vilom pranayama daily? 

Benefits of anulom vilom pranayama:


  • Lungs will be happy and strong :- if you do Anulom Vilom daily your lung capacity will increase. According to Journal of Physic education and sport management (Vol 1) Anulom vilom pranayam can have a positive impact on ventilatory volume. 


  • On blood pressure and heart : According to International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, it was noticed that significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, Right nostril  breathing activates sympathetic nervous system and left nostril breathing activates parasympathetic. Alternate nostril breathing makes balance in the  Autonomic Nervous  System (ANS), Which calms the heart and blood pressure at a significant level.


  • Great sleep is ensured due to anulom vilom ! – According to Global journals of research analysis, Anulom vilom pranayam increases the sleep quality at a significant level, it is recommended to do Anulom vilom pranayam before going to sleep. 


  • Get Stress free mind after Anulom Vilom – There are not only one but hundreds of study were conducted and found that anulom vilom breathing technique is very useful in decreasing stress level. 


  • Skin will glow by doing Alternate nostril breathing: There is reduction in antioxidant enzymes in skin with increasing age, according to research article published into national library of medicine, yoga and anulom vilom pranayam (known as alternate nostril breathing technique) can increase antioxidant enzymes which are decreasing ageing factor. 


  • Liver will  be detoxified  when you do alternate nostril breathing : Liver is very important organ of human body, In particular research study enzymes / proteins like globulin and alkaline phosphate were measured after yoga and pranayam, significant decrease has been noticed in these two enzyme / protein, hence it was found that certain practice of yoga and anulom vilom pranayam can increase function of liver. 


  • Anulom vilom and kidneys : – As per research article published in the national library of medicine, patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), while doing certain practice of the yoga and anulom vilom pranayam it was founded that renal function was improved and no need to do dialysis. 

How to do anulom vilom pranayam 

  • Find a comfortable spot and sit down on your mat or any mattress or any thick cloth,
  • Close your eyes, straighten / erect  your spine, and breathe slowly and deeply for 3 rounds.
  • For a few seconds, position your left palms facing upwards in the Gyan mudra on your left knee.
  •  Bring your right hand to your right nostril.
  • Press your right nostril with your thumb to block the airflow/ breathing.
  • Inhale deeply through your left nostril for a few seconds.
  • Exhale slowly through your right nostril, keeping your left nostril closed.
  • Take your time to exhale, making sure it’s slow and steady.
  • Inhale through your right nostril, closing the left nostril with your ring and little fingers.
  • Exhale slowly, keeping the opposite nostril closed.
  • Continue this alternating breathing pattern for a while.
  • This completes one cycle of Pranayama.

Recommendation of breathing in anulom vilom 

  • According to standard yogic practices, for beginner inhalation of 4 to 5 seconds and exhalation for 4 to 5 seconds is recommended 
  • However for advance practices, inhalation for 10 to 15 seconds and exhalation for 10 to 15 seconds will give great results.

Anulom vilom pranayam is risk -free technique to employ in your daily life style, it has no harm and only having benefits. A small investment of time on daily basis will give you a good health returns for sure. 

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